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Thanksgiving Day Task 1: How much do you know about it? Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated in the USA and Canada. How much do you already know about it? Answer these questions in pairs or small groups: 1. When is Thanksgiving? 2. Why do you think people celebrate Thanksgiving? 3. What foods are associated with Thanksgiving? TASK 2: The history of the Thanksgiving celebrat ion listening exercise Click on the image below to watch a video. Decide if the statements are TRUE or FALSE. 1.   Pilgrims invited local Native Americans to share a meal with them. 2.   Thanksgiving become an annual tradition until two hundred years later. 3.   The first Thanksgiving was in 1621, it was a 5-day festival. 4.   Rabbit was given to the colonists by the Indians as a gift. 5.   Thanksgiving menu was originally venison, Indian corn, fowl and pumpkin. 6.   Turkey was not in neither the menu nor pumpkin pie nor potatoes. 7.   Pilgrims rep


Do you have any unusual celebration in your country? When and where does it take place? What is it about? Do you like it? Why? Why not? You will listen to a presentation about unusual British festivals and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills. Click on the image below. Remember, you can print the PDF exercises and check the transcript while listening to check pronunciation too =D Don´t forget to check and correct your answers and comment on the Discussion section.


Explanation To read all the information, click  here or watch some videos.   Click   here and   here Let´s practice. 03. EXTRA ACTIVITY Click   here or you can also play a game


Watch the video and decide if the statements are TRUE or FALSE. Click on the image. 1.    Dan feels undressed. 2.   Dan can wear the jumper every time he wants. 3.   Phil thinks there are not enough pumpkins in the kitchen. 4.   Phil thought that red velvet cakes are spookier. 5.   They chose a recipe from Nigella Lawson. 6.    They recommend to make sure that it´s the bakeable variety of food colouring. 7.   Dan called the egg as an undeveloped chicken fetus. 8.   they don´t have a clue what milk butter is. 9.   the 4th utensil you´ll need is a cake baking tray. 10.               The first thing to do is to combine flour, cocoa, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda in a bowl. 11.                Phil doesn´t know how to sift flour. 12.                Butter doesn´t smell as good as it tastes. 13.               The song for creaming butter is the following: Beat the butter and the sugar till it´s done x2 There are ghosts inside your butter T


Have you got any plans for the weekend?  Which one(s)? To talk about the future we can use a variety of options depending on the certainty or uncertainty of an action or event or to make it clearer, on the function of what we want to say, whether we are talking about arrangements, plans, predictions, etc. These options are: ·           Present Simple ·           Present Continuous ·           Be Going To ·           Future Simple ·           Modal Verbs To have a better understanding about the future forms, let´s go to the following website . Do not forget to take notes and answer the exercise. Now you are going to watch a video and listen to Oliver and Alfie deciding to enter a car race. Pay attention on how the different ways of talking about the future are used in an everyday conversation. After watching the video, read the information below and answer the following exercises . NOTE: You can check and correc


There are four types of Past Tenses, but this time we will just revise 2: Past Simple and Past Continuous . Check these links and take notes. Click on the images. Let´s see if you get the difference between them. Let´s play a game!! Click the picture One exercise more. Click the picture. EXTRA Activities Exercise 1: Past Simple and Past Continuous Past Simple or PastProgressive


The present tenses are used to talk about: ·         a current event , ·         state of being , ·         the past ( when we are telling a story in   spoken   English or when we are summarising a book, film, play etc .) and ·         future .   These present tenses are: §   THE PRESENT OF VERB TO BE §   THE PRESENT SIMPLE §   THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS §   THE PRESENT PERFECT §   THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS We use these forms: ·          to talk about the   present : He   works   at McDonald’s. He   has worked   there for three months now. He   is working   at McDonald’s. He   has been working   there for three months now. London   is   the capital of Britain. ·          to talk about the   future : The next train   leaves   this evening at 1700 hours. I’ll phone you when I   get   home. He ’s meeting   Peter in town this afternoon. I’ll come home as soon as I   have finished   work. You will be tired out after you   have been worki


Before starting writing, you have to become aware of some steps known as “PROCESS OF WRITING” which will help you to become a successful writer.  Now click here to check how a Report is organised as well as useful phrases and vocabulary Now it´s time to have little practice on what you have just read. Click on the following link: Writing Skills Practice: A Report– exercises  WRITING TIME! You are now ready to write your own report. Write your report in about 120 -180 words.